Chicken Tractor
Submitted by Marcher19 from our message forum
for more info on this design please send email to [email protected]

Basic size: 4'L X 3'W X 3'H, Pen 8'L X 3'W X 3'H



The basic dimensions are 3ft wide by 4ft long - the front is 30" high and the back is 36". The legs are continuous and used as part of the whole frame. The pitch of the roof is about 10 degrees. NOTE: If I had to do it over again I would pitch the roof reversed so the water runs off the back.
I framed it out with 2 x 4's. The bottom frame has the 2 x 4 laying on the side so I can rest the floor board on it. The nest box is a simple box about 33" by 15," the roof of the coop acts as the top. I put small pieces of 2 x 4 in the box 1/2" apart so I can slide in the divider. I did this so I can slide it out if I need to.
The beam or perch is a 2 x 4, which I slide into notched pieces of 2 x 4's on the sides I rounded the 2 x 4 where the perch is and left the side flat where the nest box sits. The nest box is just sitting on that piece and a 2 x 4 on the other side for support. I did not screw the nest box in so I can take it out for easy cleaning. The floor is also not attached so I can slide it out and clean it also.
If you live in an area with predators you may want to secure the floor some how so nothing can get in.
I put vents in the back for ventilation. The picture shows chicken wire but I replaced that to stop rain from getting in. I would suggest you use a solid roof instead of the Plexiglas I used it can get quite hot in the summer. I hope this helps this is my first real wood project so I'm not that good.​
